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Adam J. Cook



Hello, there!


I'm Adam. Thanks for visiting my site. Not sure who you are - not sure how (or, why) you found me, but I hope that you can take something away from your stay. Disclosed herein is a public-access encapsulation of a bunch of the work I have produced over my life. Thoughts, art and science combine at the interface in hopes that it may help to paint a picture of who I am (or, at least who I want to become). Check it out - and please don't hesitate to  get in touch.




I was born somewhere east of Toronto in the dead of winter, 1995. Very proudly Catholic-educated, I was called towards a career in education - or, at least a career in helping people - from day one. When asked to name those who've played the largest role in creating the person I've become today, I'm quick to throw credit towards my family and the select few teachers, professors and friends who have carried me through various points of this journey. 


I was grateful to earn an honours BSc from Ontario Tech University in 2017, graduating with highest distinction while specializing in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. After a brief stint working in the oil analysis labs of Toromont CAT, I enrolled in graduate school at the University of Ottawa where I'm currently studying towards a PhD in organic chemistry under Prof. Stephen Newman. When in the lab, my research looks at using innovative techniques to prod the stratosphere of nickel catalyzed carbon-oxygen bond activation. When not in the lab... I mean what's there to say? Life's normal - hobbies include painting, reading, writing,  the usual. I like to cook (which is kind of mandatory, given the name and all), I haven't met a sport that I haven't enjoyed and I really value spending dedicated time reflecting on the life which I've been given. These are the things I like to do - subject to change at any moment.


What does my future hold? The only thing I've learned for certain over my 28ish-years of life is that this is a question that no one can answer with accuracy. I know that I'll try to use my career to bridge the gap between science, creativity and community. I know that I'll try to use whatever skills I've been lucky to have been given to make this world a brighter place.


Construct a framework for your life, and let God fill in the details - that's about all I have to say about that.

In short: Welcome to the life and times. Lol. Enjoy.

Adam J. Cook


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